Saturday, September 11, 2010

Vilcabamba Art show and auction - "SIN LIMETE" (Without boundries) presented by Maya and Yasu

Poster art created by David

Rylan working the door

Nem and David as bartenders.
Still waiting for Luke, the bar Manager

Mater Chef Yasu preparing one of many amazing appetizers

Carrots and spinach wraps

Always a good time hanging with Yasu in the kitchen

The beautiful waitstaff

Panoramic of David's work

One of David's Pieces, "Sin Limite"

The very happy buyer of "Sin Limite"

Ashley and Rylan

Peter goin' off!

Rylan has decided to have
her own little dance party

A few of the pieces David exhibited...

Charcoal, pastel and water color on paper

Graphite on paper

Charcoal on paper

Charcoal on paper

Charcoal on paper

Charcoal, pastel and water color on paper

Charcoal and water color on paper

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