Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another horse Sacapo

Our horses for the day
(Corazón, Mochachino (AKA Artex), Tete, and Apache)

David with Artex... 
(He's been waiting a long time to meet this horse)


Ashley and Maya

David riding Tete

Ashley riding Mochachino

Ran into some (semi) wild horses...

David, Maya, and Yasu peering over the cliff
(large San Pedro cactus to their right)

David and Yasu

Yasu and David

(our guide)

Maya and Yasu

The Adventures of Ultraman
(this ones for you Ryosuke)

 Asparagus, anyone?!
(sprouting of a cactus)


Holger crossing the river

On our way back to town...
(Ashley and Maya)

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