Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cute's just the beginning

David met a little goat in he wants one. Goat cheese, anyone?

...and Marley met some cows in the back yard.

The New Pups have arrived!
This was their intro to Jack and Marley - right after we picked
off about 60 fleas from the little guys. Jack and Marley are hoping 
we're only babysitting and these munchkins aren't permanent.

Didn't take too long for them to fall asleep.

Puppies are just too damn cute. 
(except when they wakeup multiple times during the night for food and potty breaks)

It's Dumbo, the flying dog.

Koda & Pepe

Tug-time...(our future security system)

Nap time again...yes, we did set up this shot. 
At this age,they're like Gumby, so you can move 
them all around when they're sleeping. It's great fun.

Again, another posed shot, but we just couldn't resist. It's
too cute! Jack was being a good sport for this photo!
He tolerates them at best. Soon enough they'll all be sleeping

David and his 'pack'


  1. Made me smile.....and Ash..the laundry wow!
    love and miss you guys

  2. The napping photos are amazing!!!!
