Thursday, October 14, 2010

A nearby village...

A little slice of paradise...


Stopped by a panela (melted sugar cane juice) mill along the way.

Panela blocks  - ready for the market
 (you can get about 4 blocks for $1)

Sugar cane field in the back ground,
shredded sugar cane under roof

 Local simple structure...that's all that's really needed


Donna crossing a very interesting and wobbly bridge over the river

Ashley's turn
(walking planks {branches} are almost 2 ft apart - yikes)

Avocado's are plentiful here. YUM!


Avocado tree

Cabbage patch

Cool bridge!
(looks like a roller coaster)

Refreshing dip in the river

Later that afternoon...took a trip to the property to check on the progress...
Steps are poured.

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