Saturday, September 4, 2010

Morning after camping, hiking Mandango, and dinner...

View of the rising sun from Nem's tent


Our camp site


Marley Bear

Early morning stroll around the house

View of Mandango through the basement window

Back porch

Ashley getting love from the babies

Jack and Ashley

David holding up the round window mold

View from the soon-to-be second floor deck

View from above into breakfast nook

Second floor deck

Just doing a little cleaning with the crew's make-shift broom.
They sure are creative here.

About to set off on our Mandango journey.

Mandango trail head.

Oh, hello cows.

Makin' our way up.

Takin' a breather

Nem and Rylan


Aahhh x2
(from the top)

David pointing to our land....then, framed in a heart

Oh're missing your surfboard.

"Crikey" that a bear in the bushes?

On our way down

Yasu and Maya hosted a wonderful usual.

We love food.

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